I. When Bullying Made Me Better: A Personal Story
Let me start with a short personal anecdote. First, I need to acknowledge my privilege. I grew up extremely privileged. Not in the way most people think of privilege - my parents were comparatively poor immigrants from Russia. But I had something far more valuable: extreme intelligence, supreme handsomeness and verbal acuity. Raw intelligence and excellent genes are the greatest privileges there are. Sure, my parents weren't rich (because Socialism doesn't work), but they quickly integrated themselves in Germany and earned a solid income through merit. When I was a kid, the thing that I was bullied for was playing too many video games. That was absolutely correct, I have since stopped playing video games. Even a little bit of playing video games is too much, as gaming has a domino effect on me.
The Domino Effect of Addictions
The Domino Effect states that when you make a change to one behavior it will activate a chain reaction and cause a shift in related behaviors as well.
The Domino Effect holds for negative habits as well. You may find that the habit of checking your phone leads to the habit of clicking social media notifications which leads to the habit of browsing social media mindlessly which leads to another 20 minutes of procrastination.
For me, such a domino would be playing video games. Even if I just play 15 minutes, this leads me to want to play the game more, which then leads to me wasting 100 hours getting the Platinum Achievement in Dark Souls. For me personally, it’s best to just not play at all. You might have similar issues with other bad habits like:
One cookie leads to eating the whole bag
One episode leads to binging the whole series
One peek at social media leads to two hours of scrolling
One joint leads to being a stoner
Anyway, I stopped playing video games and my life is way better now. Thanks bullies, you deserve my sincerest gratitude!
II. Zero-Sum Reality
Social status is zero-sum, by definition. Many areas in life are not like this and it's usually best to engage in those areas where the pie can be made bigger for everyone, like capitalism and entrepreneurship. However, some crucial areas in life like social status are by definition zero-sum. My goal with this article is to tell you how to excel in these areas. Bullying is an important tool there; you can of course handicap yourself to your own detriment. Most people claim to want meritocracy, but they don't understand what that means. True meritocracy is brutal - it necessarily creates winners and losers. Pareto efficiency completely breaks down in status games. At some point, there's no more "win-win." You either take a piece of the cake from others, or they take it from you.
This is why we have scapegoats in every society - as René Girard showed, they're essential for preventing mimetic conflict from tearing society apart. When everyone desires the same status markers and positions (which is inevitable due to mimetic desire), violence becomes inevitable. The scapegoat mechanism channels this violence productively. Weak people can't admit they're losing at status games, so they pretend they're not playing. Nietzsche called this ressentiment - the losers cope by inventing moral systems that paint their weakness as strength. This is why modern society, driven by social desirability bias and virtue signaling, pretends bullying is "wrong" when it's actually a core mechanism of maintaining social order. You can either understand these brutal truths and play to win, or handicap yourself with "nice" behavior and lose. Status points you leave on the table will be grabbed by someone who isn't delusional about how the game works.
My readers are likely highly educated and well read; you've probably already studied the ultimate zero-sum game - warfare - through classics like von Clausewitz's Vom Kriege and Guderian's Achtung - Panzer!. I won't waste time rehashing their timeless insights about how to win in pure conflict situations. Instead, I'll tell you about something more modern and new-fangled: how to win the status games that define our current era.
III. The Krav Maga Principle
I once did some Krav Maga training. Krav Maga is not a “martial art”, it’s a self defence technique practiced by the Mossad. Everything is allowed in Krav Maga. Whatever works to save your life and win the fight. For example, you can:
Poke opponent’s eyes out
Crush opponent’s genitals
Take their family member hostage and force them to give up
Airstrike them
Shoot them from attack helicopter
There are no rules in Krav Maga (just like in real life), do whatever it takes to save your life.
How to handle insults
If it’s just insults you’re up against, you are engaging in a rhetorical battle. These are easy to win if you just follow my previous advice about Krav Maga and escalation, if you are reasonably charismatic and practice your verbal acuity, you can always retort with a comeback to any insult that makes the attacker look worse. If it’s no physical engagement, you are safe according the ancient wisdom:
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”
-Dr. Hannibal Lecter
Words can’t hurt you. Just be stoic, ignore the words, it’s literally just sounds coming out of someone’s mouth. It means nothing. What matters is that you WIN the verbal engagement and thereby raise your social status and prestige. Some verbal battles go nowhere, then a physical engagement might be appropriate. I recommend to never initiate a physical engagement for the following reasons:
In a court of law, it’s never good to be the aggressor, you don’t want to go to prison.
Unlike verbal engagement, physical battles are actually dangerous. A single punch to the head can leave you retarded for life.
That’s why you should use it as a last resort. But sometimes it is necessary to defend your honor. In that case, don’t just punch the person, challenge them to a brawl. Tell them that it’s time to fight it out. If they back down, you can immediately win the engagement by hurling insults at them and calling them a coward. If they accept the proposal, then you gotta battle it out. Do your best. Sometimes, the engagement will end in a draw, both participants will respect each other more, you can even become friends. Just be sure to practice your self defence techniques as much as possible before challenging people to fights. I recommend Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Kickboxing. These hobbies also have the nice side effect of making you physically fit, which is always good and reduces being bullied for being fat. Just make sure not to overdo it, too much training and punches to the head can have negative long term consequences.
IV. Hard Truths & Attack Vectors
Rule number one: Always judge a book by its cover. The cover of a book tells you a lot about the content; the book’s title, author, publisher and general quality of the paper tell you invaluable information about the book’s contents. When bullying a person, their outward appearance gives you some easy to use attack vectors. Are they fat? Tell them you can’t listen to their fat arguments, their words coming out of their mouths are meaningless, they should stop shoving food into their obese face. Usually, fat people are also low IQ, they mostly don’t have their lives in order at all. These people are easy prey.
Transgenders get bullied because it’s basically a mental and or physical disability/illness. Emil Kirgegaard has an excellent objective definition of what constitutes an illness. Let me summarize it for you: a condition is an “illness” if it hurts your inclusive genetic fitness. Things like transgenderism and homosexuality currently clearly fall into that category as people affected have significantly fewer kids. Transgenderism mostly stems from a fetish called “autogynephilia” which Steve Sailer has uncovered.
It’s also a social contagion that needs to be eradicated.
Counterpoint: What if people have always been transgenders and the prevalence has just increased because it’s not stigmatized anymore?
That’s exactly my argument. Transgenderism could be easily eradicated via social norms. Right now, transgenderism has been marketed as a the cool new thing by Leftist Ideology. But transgenders have worse life outcomes, more suicides, more self-harm, more mental illness and generally lead worse lives. It would increase social cohesion and improve the life satisfaction and happiness of transgender people if they were cured and not tempted anymore to fall prey to their weird sexual fetishes. Don’t base your whole identity on a sexual fetish. Personally, I think the rising prevalence of transgenderism is mostly due to cultural reasons and conformism. However, estrogenic poisons also play a huge role: microplastics, phthalates, soy, seed oils, perfume, birth control pills poisoning tap water and so on. For the benefit of society and transgender people, transgenderism must be stigmatized and transgender people bullied.
Transgenderism elicits strong disgust in most people and for good reason. Disgust is good, it protects you against disease and also social contagions which are in effect a disease.

There is preference falsification going on regarding transgenders. Most people secretly are disgusted by it.
V. Common Objections Destroyed
“This feels cruel and wrong. I’m gay.”
You are probably a woman. Women are very allistic (that’s the opposite of autism) and prone to social desirability bias. I realize this whole thing sounds cruel. Please try your best and attempt a decoupling. It’s an easy exercise in Russell Conjugation. Instead of “bullying” we could say “tough love”. Further Russell Conjugations are left as an exercise for the reader, just remember that if something has a normative “it’s bad” connotation doesn’t mean that the thing itself is actually bad.
“What about suicides?”
Suicide is usually a bad move, except if your life is pure suffering, you are super old and decrepit and all meaning in your life is lost, then it is honorable. Obviously, I don’t think you should bully people into committing suicide. Honestly, to me it seems that suicide attempts are often largely performative; you want to be the victim and other people’s sympathy. Don’t do that. There is an honorable way to commit suicide. But realize that you have agency and can take your life into your own hands. Try all things first before thinking of self harm. Low-hanging fruits are: do more exercise, go for a walk, start a family, have a lot of sex, help other people. Suicide is often a very selfish act, but it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. Realize that your suicide would at least inconvenience a lot of people. Talk to your close ones about this. I don’t think suicide hotlines are good, they are not really on your side. Try SSRIs if all else fails, although I recommend a Carnivore diet.
“What about if I am being bullied for being superior or right?”
This is unlikely. But if it happens, you can just bully back. If you are actually superior, then you can just bully your bullies and humiliate them publicly. People who are fat can be called fat disgusting slobs etc. If you are being bullied for being smart, then you can just make money. All smart people I know are rich. Being rich is always good and poor people will be envious and jealous of you. What if you are being bullied for being disabled or something that you cannot change? Then you can be stoic and make up for your inferiority in that department by being superior in other departments. Just because you are physically disabled or ugly does not mean you can’t get rich or have lots of sex.
“What about children?”
Kids bully each other constantly. Going to an authority to complain and whine will just instill a victim mentality and cost you even more respect from your peers. Kids need to learn to overcome this. Interfering with that is like nuking Chesterton’s fence, it’s interfering with an important sociological mechanism that is there for a reason.
“What about physical bullying?”
Well, in that case it often makes sense to call the police and escalate the situation. But in a school setting, it’s usually the stronger move to just go totally bonkers. If a physically stronger bully hits or pushes you, then just go totally bonkers. Bullies think twice before bullying someone who hits back. Under no circumstances should you endure the bullying. Take a pen, try to stab your bully. Shout, escalate, go totally ape shit. If it’s a group of bullies that gang up on you, first make fun of them that they are too cowardly to take you on one on one. Call them gay etc. Then, go totally ape shit. The group will probably beat you up but if you do the going bonkers thing right they will take a lot of damage; I promise, they will never touch you again.
“Bullying is unnecessary. All the positive effects of bullying can be achieved by other, nicer means. Also I’m gay.”
The concept of pareto efficiency does not capture all the zero-sum situations we face, that’s the problem with relying on pareto efficiency. At some point the pareto efficient equilibrium is reached and there is no other way to enrich yourself than taking someone from someone else. You can of course handicap yourself by using "nicer means," but that's just leaving status on the table for others to take. Your addition of "Also I'm gay" perfectly proves my point - you're attempting to claim victim status as a way to gain social power. It's actually a form of bullying itself! But at least be honest about what you're doing instead of pretending to take the moral high ground with "nicer means."
“I’m a victim and I don’t like this.”
Self victimization is an excellent bullying tactic. Master-Bullies don’t appear as such. If you play the victim-card correctly, you can get all the benefits of being a bully with none of the drawbacks. I find it dishonorable, weak and icky to play the victim which is why I avoid doing it. If you engage with women, it’s an effective tactic though. Most confrontations between women revolve around each of them trying to appear as the greater victim in order to be able to bully more. In any case, I suggest you frame your experience of being bullied in a different, more psychologically healthy way: the bullying has made you better and prepared you for real life. In before all your tedious personal sob stories from the crybabies “I was bullied and always hid in my room like a loser this was not good for me”. Then you haven’t learned from the experience, you are still stuck and are mentally a teenager. You should be bullied some more.
VI. The "Science"
The available science on the topic is fake. Social Science has been infiltrated and taken over by women. It’s not about the Truth anymore but whatever sounds nice and confirms preconceived beliefs, it’s totally gay. They don’t understand causality at all. If you haven't at least read The Book of Why to grasp causality, and ideally Causality by Judea Pearl, then you know nothing about the subject and should be ashamed of yourself. Nevertheless, let’s go through the first five studies I found on Google Scholar.
Study 1: Bullying
They talk about "effects" but all they present are epidemiological correlations. When they find that "bullies have long-term defects," they're making the same error we see in epidemiological studies of the carnivore diet.
Large-scale epidemiological studies show the carnivore diet is "associated" with negative outcomes. But this masks crucial selection effects. Most people counted as "carnivore" in these correlational studies are either risk-takers ignoring conventional wisdom or fast-food addicts just dropping the bun. Meanwhile, the small elite minority who do it right - the organ meat-eating, seed oil-avoiding Chads who achieve superior health outcomes - get averaged out in the correlation.
Similarly, when these researchers see correlations between bullying and negative traits, they're not asking the crucial question: What's the causal direction? You need actual experiments to prove causation. And when you can't do experiments (because ethics boards are cowards), you need to at least think carefully about causal diagrams à la Judea Pearl and squeeze some causality out of your correlational data. But these researchers don't even attempt this level of rigor. The true answer to why both bullies and the bullied suffer from long-term negative effects is:
The bullied have negative traits that they are being bullied for. These negative traits are bad, also in the long run
The bullies are usually retards as well, in the following way: if you have been officially classified as a “bully”, that’s a fail. It means you lacked skill in advanced bullying tactics like playing the honorable hero or the marginalized victim
Consider these two quotes:
"When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse."
Osama bin Laden
People love sympathy, people love the underdog. For me, sympathy is not part of my drag aesthetic.
Bianca Del Rio
Both are true. If you have achieved bullying mastery, you can appear as the underdog while at the same time appearing as the strong horse.
Study 2: The effects of bullying
Like the previous study, this one again fails to show any causality. Of course bully victims probably have some long term negative effect, because the underlying CAUSE or defect that they are being bullied for is likely negative.
Study 3: The nature and causes of bullying at work
Another boring study that didn’t figure anything out. The conclusion actually has no conclusion, they just repeatedly say that “more research is needed” in five different ways. I like that they note “the target finds it difficult to defend him or herself or to escape the situation”. They admit that the target is objectively a total loser who can’t find a different job and is incapable of winning any kind of verbal engagement.
Study 4: Understanding and Preventing Bullying
This one is my favorite. They start with the fact that have the children are bullies and the other half are being bullied. This makes sense, social status is a zero-sum game. My goal with this article, dear reader, is to give you tips on how you can increase your social status and become one of the bullies.
Study 5: Consequences of Bullying in Schools
This one starts of with “correlated”, implicitly admitting that they don’t know what actually causes what. “Being victimized by peers is significantly related to comparatively low levels of psychological well-being…” Duh, then stop being awkward and stop being a victim. This just confirms that the bullied have bad social skills and are generally losers which they should stop being.
That’s all the papers I looked at before losing patience. Unfortunately, smart people usually don’t become social scientists, so the field is filled with losers and fake scientists.
Conclusion: From Victim to Victor
Bullying has a bad rep because of Russell Conjugation. The word bullying has it baked in that it is bad. But it’s often not. We should all strive to be better, if you are bullied because of a specific thing, it’s often because that property is BAD and you should fix it. You should embrace getting bullied. Getting bullied is free feedback from the real world that is insanely valuable information. Defy the bullying by becoming the best version of yourself and make sure to bully other people as a service and as a way to WIN and raise your social status. I have now convinced you that bullying is actually good. If you still disagree, write a comment but first look in the mirror and consider if you might actually be gay. And not the cool kind of gay like my favorite person (apart from family and friends), Peter Thiel.
"Getting bullied is free feedback from the real world that is insanely valuable information."
Absolute nonsense. The author is just too intelligent to understand why kids actually bully each other. The real reason is so bizarre it just wouldn't occur to them.
For the most part, kids and teenagers don't get bullied for some undesirable behaviour that could be fixed, but for the most inane reasons you could imagine.
The trigger can be anything. Maybe your nose is big. Maybe someone randomly came up with a rhyme using your name and it stuck. Maybe your skin is darker than the rest of the class. Maybe it's just because you're Madeleine, so you have Madeleine germs. It's stupid reasons like that, for the most part.
In any case, whatever the initial trigger, once it sticks everyone goes along with it because to do otherwise would be uncool. There's no reasonable action the victim could have taken to prevent it from happening, and once it starts there's usually no individual bully that the victim can confront as the author seems to imagine. Maybe a child as smart as the author could fix it for themselves, but the other 99% simply won't have the life experience to know how to handle this, and going to an authority figure is the best approach.
And in the situation where someone does have some behavioural problem, bullying is just a terrible feedback mechanism. Just take the guy or girl aside, explain what the problem is and what they should do to fix it. In some cases this will fix the problem in just a few minutes. Much less effort than spending a few weeks of bullying them that may or may not bring about the change you desire.
(edit: I've been critical but the article was also well written and there's a lot of good points)
I strongly disagree with the notion that social status is a zero sum game, unless you're using a definition where the notion is almost meaningless. Obviously a society where people like and trust each other is preferable to one where people dislike and distrust each other. If you define it in terms of respect, you can have a society where people respect one another and one where they do not.
You could define "social status" in terms of one's place in the pecking order regardless of other factors, but then I'd say you're focusing on the wrong thing. I'd rather be a median American than the richest guy in a medieval village, and I'd rather be of average social status in a high-trust society with good vibes than have high social status in a low-trust society with bad vibes.
Wealth isn't a zero-sum game. "Who is richest compared to everyone else" is a zero-sum game by definition, but it's a silly thing to optimise for. I wouldn't want to increase my wealth rank by destroying the wealth of other people, nor would I want to increase my "social status" rank (as the author seems to be using the term) by putting down other people.